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When it comes to recycling, REPSCO, Inc. does not just talk about it, they live it – day in, day out for more than 30 years.The manufacturing company, which moved from Colorado to the Riverbank Industrial Complex nearly five years ago, has emerged as the industry leader in producing 100% recyclable custom-designed plastic slips sheets, […]

April 3, 2024

­What are plastic slip sheets?

As the name implies, slip sheets are flat surfaces used as palettes, in many cases these slip sheets are made from recyclable plastic. However, it is also available in other composite materials including paperboard and solid fiber in many cases resulting in an inferior product. As a viable alternative to wooden pallets, the slip sheet offers convenience […]

November 1, 2021

The Sales Team

Daniel R. Ornelas

Regional Sales Manager
Phone: (209) 408-2585

Daniel R. Ornelas, brings a diverse background to REPSCO, Inc., including having served in the United States Navy. Daniel has over 20 years of sales and customer service experience. Daniel joined REPSCO in November 2022, his business acumen, military discipline, leadership experience, and retail expertise help to drive success on our team.