Recent News & Articles


When it comes to recycling, REPSCO, Inc. does not just talk about it, they live it – day in, day out for more than 30 years.The manufacturing company, which moved from Colorado to the Riverbank Industrial Complex nearly five years ago, has emerged as the industry leader in producing 100% recyclable custom-designed plastic slips sheets, […]

April 3, 2024

­What are plastic slip sheets?

As the name implies, slip sheets are flat surfaces used as palettes, in many cases these slip sheets are made from recyclable plastic. However, it is also available in other composite materials including paperboard and solid fiber in many cases resulting in an inferior product. As a viable alternative to wooden pallets, the slip sheet offers convenience […]

November 1, 2021

About Us

REPSCO Inc. over 50 years of experience

Our commitment lies in innovating for a greener and more sustainable future.

At REPSCO, Inc., we're not simply keeping pace with modernization; we're leading the charge, shaping the industry's future with our innovation and drive.

With ingenuity embedded in our DNA since 1971, we've sculpted a legacy with recycled plastics, transforming them into our MVP (Most Valuable Plastic) — our durable and precision-engineered slip sheets.

Each step forward is a leap for sustainability. We've tailored and fine-tuned every stage of our recycling process, allowing us to weave the highest quality post-consumer polymers into the fabric of the supply chain, cutting costs, and championing green practices.

At REPSCO, Inc., our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is paramount. We pride ourselves on being more than just manufacturers; we strive to be innovators constantly seeking new horizons. Our products, particularly our eco-friendly slip sheets, reflect this dedication. They are designed not just to meet but to exceed industry standards, providing our customers with reliable, sustainable solutions. Join us as we continue to lead the way in blending economic benefits with ecological responsibility.

Mission Statement

At REPSCO, Inc., our mission is to revolutionize packaging and transportation processes by providing cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and high-performance plastic slip sheets. We are dedicated to creating solutions that are not only beneficial to our customers’ bottom line, but also contribute to sustainability. We believe that by reducing reliance on traditional wood pallets, we can significantly lessen environmental impact, decrease storage and transportation costs, and provide an overall efficient and eco-conscious alternative